If you don't know what you should be doing, do something. Your time wouldn't have been wasted anymore than if you did nothing. (The converse of 0240 and extension of 0753, 0791, 0853, 1057)

0240. If working smart is difficult, the easy solution is to do nothing and let fate take control.

0753. Anyone can be a photographer; This wasn't always true. Anyone can play music; This was always true.

0791. Nothing is not going to do anything. Perhaps that's the point.

0853. The doing of nothing might be all that needs to be done.

1057. If you're going through an existential crisis, you might be doing nothing as a strategy, in hopes that it would create an inflection point. But in fact, doing something makes a better inflection point. (1/2016) 

Some Of Something


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