"This also means that virtual existence will not be as different from physical existence as we sometimes imagine. For both sorts of existence require a certain degree of embodiment. Human intelligence is not just located in our brains; it also necessarily involves some degree of extension into the outer environment, in the form of what David Chalmers and Andy Clark call the "extended mind"". Shaviro, Steven. Discognition. Repeater Books, 2016. p. 95

A sense of spirituality is also an extension of the human Umvelt, that may or may not be associated with organized religion.

The Course in Miracles, a congeries of religious tenets, frequently make reference to inner vision, and perhaps inner sound:

"We are not attempting to get rid of what we do not like by seeing it outside. Instead, we are trying to see in the world what is in our minds, and what we want to recognize is there. Thus, we are trying to join with what we see, rather than keeping it apart from us. That is the fundamental difference between vision and the way you see. Real vision is not limited to concepts such as "near" and "far." To help you begin to get used to this idea, try to think of things beyond your present range as well as those you can actually see, as you apply today's idea. Real vision is not only unlimited by space and distance, but it does not depend on the body's eyes at all. The mind is its only source. To aid in helping you to become more accustomed to this idea as well, devote several practice periods to applying today's idea with your eyes closed, using whatever subjects come to mind, and looking within rather than without."

Brian Eno had also mentioned it on the topic of ambient music, in Music For Earthquakes:

"When you sit outside and listen, you hear some things loud because you're close to them. It's just an accident. It's not because they're more important. But if you listen, you hear things that you know are actually loud but they're just on the edge of your earshot. I wanted to make a music that placed you in a field of sound and implied that the horizon wasn't the end of it, that it continued right around the edge, right around the globe. Music that puts you in context."

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