
It's sometimes interesting and informative to revisit the "one" of something. If you've ever kept any kind of a list, beginning with 0001, you can make thousands of subsequent entries, and 0001 looks different from that standpoint: How is your life different? What kind of person were you at the time you wrote the first one? Who were the people in your life at that point? How is your life different now? Who are the people in your life that would make the "one" different?

Using a musical metaphor (as I frequently do) you can use a pickup bar, where the downbeat of the first measure is preceded by an eighth note, quarter note, or a half note. You can also displace the first beat by an eighth note, or a quarter note. How does that relate to revisiting something you were thinking of 30 years ago?  You can decide to change the One, or keep it as is. The point is that you keep checking back to re-think it or re-affirm it.

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