It's interesting how lives can become anonymized, such that you no longer recognized them, or feel acquainted. They become "strangerized". Perhaps this is a fixture of our tribal natures to seek safety in some kind of family unit, regardless of whether it is a happy unit. (Apparently, there's a term for it the "medium friend": ) This is also interesting compared to previous music affinities, say, prior and post age 30. For me, I never really move on from anything, as friends might move on. I like to revisit things from my 30s, primarily world music and jazz. You can have a BFF in music as well.

"Some social scientists and even philosophers suggest a different vision of friendship, in which friendship is conceived not as a ledger of emotional debits and credits but as an organic creation — an artwork — built by the friends themselves. Conceived in this way, friendships are not ranked or stratified along a bright line from BFF to near stranger but are instead a perfect mirror of two people’s investment, reflecting their enthusiasms, commonalities, differences and limitations."

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