One can get a clear view of the past only at the end of the journey. But that doesn't mean there are no other roads. The one I had been thinking about at the time was the arc of 20th century American history, particularly the postwar period, particularly the mid-1960s and later, which had a strange mix of hope and paranoia in a purple haze, which persists in the 2020s.

Related: 1189. Stupidity is the runaway train of modernity. The dumbing-down of culture must not be stopped for its own ‘good.’ The slippery slope is really more of a thrill, and we’re supposed to simply enjoy the ride. It’s also interesting that it’s on a trajectory, meaning it has start and end points. At what point does a dumbed-down modernity end? (8/2016)

Slippery Slope (8-11-2022) by meta4s

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